Some gruesome scenes in cartoons of chickens meeting their demise.
Some baby chicks are jabbed with a needle.
The baby chicks are so crowded in their shed that some of them get stepped on.
A few times, "cluck" is used as a substitute/euphemism for the F word.
2 uses of oh my god and fuck 1 use of Frickin, sucks, goddamn and breast 5 uses of shit 3 paired with bull
Frightening & Intense Scenes
Some of Morgans chickens die simply from being too overweight for their bones or hearts to support them. These chickens are later cut up and their innards shown on an autopsy table.
There are some disturbing stories of chicken farmers abused by the powers-to-be in the farming industry.
Suggested rating pg13 for brief strong language and disturbing violent images