Manslugs! The Making of a Sci-Fi Original_peliplat
Manslugs! The Making of a Sci-Fi Original_peliplat

Manslugs! The Making of a Sci-Fi Original (2007)

None | USA | English | 10 min
Directed by: Edward Martin III

A parody - When three executives from the Sci-Fi Channel listen patiently to some of the lamest story pitches ever, the only one they like is for "Manslugs!" The writer is ecstatic although her nightmare begins as the tie-dyed shirt wearing director, (previous credits: "Leprechaun 8") decides that Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, Johnny Depp and Dakota Fanning are "kind of overexposed," and instead casts unknowns with no experience. Budget cuts cause further rewrites as the army of Manslugs is reduced to a single Manslug. Shooting begins with the smallest camera ever seen, no tripod, and a blind cameraman. The special effects consist mostly of slime and black garbage bags. No one listens to the frantic pleas of the writer that they are not following her script. Finally, the promotion department gets a call alerting them of the title change ("Take out the 's'") but as the trailer reveals, there is a slight miscommunication.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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