When I Stutter_peliplat
When I Stutter_peliplat

When I Stutter (2017)

PG (AU) | USA | English | 67 min
Directed by: John Gomez

WHEN I STUTTER is a documentary that reveals the humanity that exists within an often mysterious malady. Over the course of 4.5 years, 19 people shared stories about how stuttering has impacted their lives. These stories run the gamut of human emotion - Some are dark, some are funny and others are triumphant. Additionally, there are "educational vignettes" interspersed throughout the documentary that help illuminate some of the mysteries and questions that surround stuttering. A vital storyline in this film follows a young man on his journey through stuttering therapy. The relationship that he forms with the speech pathologist and the progress that he makes is truly heartwarming. It demonstrates the wonder and beauty that can occur when one meets the right person at the right stage in life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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