Play trailer

Loon (2017)

R (US) | UK | English | 90 min
Directed by: Fabrizio Federico

At the core of LOON lies a folie à deux relationship between two cousins, 16 year old Charlie Sheen (who wishes to be called 'Keith' - even though no one ever does) and his poison minded 18 year old cousin Georgia Sheen; who's an aggressive, cunning, sexual personality who has hypnotised her younger cousin into doing anything she wishes. An experimental melodrama with presidential assassination bulletins and a parody of children's record-read along book set. Charlie is a kleptomaniac and a compulsive liar living in an incestuous tight knit family who have created a pillow world for him to sink deeper into his fantasy lifestyle of becoming a famous drummer. Charlie is on prescription medication (you decide what his diagnosis is) and his mother (a serial killer obsessed twin) is his gate keeper. Surrounded by his twisted family (the whole street is populated by the Sheen family) Charlie's behaviour is becoming darker. The unpredictable climate of Brexit looms as this tragedy unfolds. While unemployed his loner life is largely based on crime, daydreaming and pleasing Georgia's superior superwoman Nietzsche mind.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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