Sun Water Stone_peliplat
Sun Water Stone_peliplat
Play trailer

Sun Water Stone (2016)

None | Bolivia, Peru | Spanish | 70 min
Directed by: Diego Revollo

Sun Water Stone is an autobiographical movie about family fragmentation that resorts to different recording formats which formally intertwine, connect, merge and reconcile one with another. Sun Water Stone is an essay on the genetic and energetic heritage bequeathed by our ancestors and the inevitable burdens it entails. The movie is a rite of passage through which the main character becomes aware of these ghosts and finally accepts responsibility for them, thus becoming able to tell his own story, change the perspective and create the possibility of a new cycle. The elements Sun Water Stone shape the elements of a natural family, the Mother Nature, which embraces all living beings without distinction, for she is our true and only 'nationality'. Dante, the protagonist, suffers from not having his mother (represented in the movie by water) by his side, which is why his trip goes towards water, thus establishing a dialogue between the mountain and the sea. The movie is also inspired by the collection of poetry Ciudad desde la altura by Guillermo Bedregal which contains, in its sixteen abstruse poems, songs and prayers to reach deep states of contemplation of the city, its nature and our origin/destiny as inhabitants of La Paz.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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