Sea Birds of the Gaspé_peliplat
Sea Birds of the Gaspé_peliplat

Sea Birds of the Gaspé (2000)

None | Canada | French, English | 52 min
Directed by: Harold Arsenault

The Gaspé coast is endowed with great natural beauty. The giant form of the Percé Rock with its fantastic arch is a familiar landmark worldwide. Bonaventure Island lies nearby like a sleeping whale. This film examines the survival strategies and bahaviour of some of the more than ten different sea bird species found nesting in these sanctuaries and along the nearby coast. Each spring, thousands upon thousands of sea birds return to the scenic shores to breed. By May, even the most narrow ledges of the towering cliff faces are occupied by nesting couples of the various colonies of murres, gannets, eiders and cormorants. Each colourful species has its own distinct courtship rituals and nesting habits. We follow the sea birds and see how they use different hunting methods and flight techniques to obtain food for their demanding fledglings.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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