
R4CH43L (2018)

None | USA | English | 14 min
Directed by: Noah Bewley

A knock on the door interrupts a family Christmas dinner. In the distance, the Jewish cemetery is visible by the light of the moon, the scene of daily mass exterminations. There stands Rachael and her two small sons, starving, freezing, and needing shelter from the Nazis. Young Bob learns that his family barn has served to shelter Jews and his mother, believing in the sanctity of life for all, puts her beliefs into action. Fifty years later, we see that young Bob has become the highly regarded educator, Dr. Robert Kramarczuk. Called back to his native, Kiev, to develop a business school that will serve to rebuild the newly independent Ukraine, he has a chance encounter with the face from his past. Decades of buried trauma come to the surface.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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