The Faces of the Great Goddess_peliplat
The Faces of the Great Goddess_peliplat

The Faces of the Great Goddess (2017)

None | Hungary | Spanish | 101 min
Directed by: Aghora Vidya

Gino and Luz are famous actors in the adult movie industry. They meet at a crossroad of their life and career. Although they fall in love profoundly they face a painful fact: their sexual habits acquired in the industry have seriously crippled their capacity to build a proper love relationship. The dramatic confusion they live in causes failure after failure both on the set and in their personal emotional lives. Looking for a solution, the desperate Gino sets out on a journey of self-discovery that culminates with an unusual mystical experience: he is initiated by a tantric woman in the art of sacred love and divine eroticism. Aside from resolving their couple relationship problems, this new perspective could generate an important transformation in the area of their profession.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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