Man in Focus_peliplat
Man in Focus_peliplat

Man in Focus (2018)

None | USA | English | 19 min
Directed by: Gang 'Garfield' Wang

On the night of September 10, a citizen patrol volunteer named Aaron found a suspicious backpack by Arlington Church and reported it to Officer Moore. After that, the police defused the explosive backpack and Aaron was interviewed by Clark, the Channel 7 reporter, as a hero on TV. However, due to the history Aaron had with the facility manager of the church, the police decided to investigate him when they had no other clues. The reporters witnessed it as the officers took evidence from Aaron's house and then began to depict him as a suspect, though he was never charged. Aaron had to prove his innocence while the public opinions were against him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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