Room Laundering_peliplat
Room Laundering_peliplat
Play trailer

Room Laundering (2018)

G (JP) | Japan | Japanese | 108 min
Directed by: Kenji Katagiri

Yakumo Miko's father died when she was 5 years old. The next year, Miko mother went missing. Miko then moved in with her grandmother, but, at the age of 18, Miko's grandmother passes away. She shuts herself away from others. One day, her uncle from her mother's side, Ikazuzi Goro appears. He sets up a place for Miko to live and also a place for her to do part-time work. Her part-time job is "room laundering." After starting her job, Miko sees ghosts. She struggles to solve the worries of the ghosts who are staying in rooms. Ikazuzi Goro tells Miko that her mother was able to see ghosts which affected her. Miko asks him to find her mother.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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