Stockholm a l'heure du Pop Art_peliplat
Stockholm a l'heure du Pop Art_peliplat

Stockholm a l'heure du Pop Art (1964)

None | Sweden | Swedish | 34 min
Directed by: Olivier Herdies

In 1964 Pop Art arrives in Stockholm. Robert Rauschenberg at Moderna Muséet. The Beatles play an Icehockey stadium. Art galleries of all sorts pop up everywhere. The art establishment as well as the underground art arenas are reserved for men. Male artist dominate completely. Albert Johansson, Bendt Pettersson, Enno Hallek, or the exceptional Ian Hellström. Georg Suttner offers Stockholm's old town for sale. All this art and people accompanied by Hans Bergman's magic clarinet.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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