Dressing a Renaissance Queen_peliplat
Dressing a Renaissance Queen_peliplat

Dressing a Renaissance Queen (2018)

None | USA | English | 9 min
Directed by: Nola Yergen

The time is the 15th century. King Henry IV is to take a new wife. This is the story of Marie de' Medici, his wife to be, being dressed for her wedding (by proxy) to King Henry IV of France. At the time of the gown's original construction, Marie while still in Italy, had various dolls sent to her showing what was currently fashionable so that her dress could be made to exceed what was considered en vogue. The details associated with the original gown are painstakingly reconstructed for the audience - including pearls, gems, expensive silks, laces and properly heeled shoes, to make up all of the parts of the original final wedding attire of this Renaissance Fashionista and what she wore for her nuptials. Neither Marie (at the time of the dress's original making) nor the production spared any expense in the breathtaking fashion reconstruction.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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