Peace in Love_peliplat
Peace in Love_peliplat

Peace in Love (2014)

None | Taiwan | Mandarin | 113 min
Directed by: Chao-Liang Huang

Wang Rui is an unrealistic do-nothing guy who lives in Beijing. One day, his grandfather tells him that he owns a piece of land in Kenting, Taiwan. Wang, who has never been to Taiwan, travels to Kenting with his good friend Tien-Tsai. The two assume that selling the land should be fairly easy, but what they do not expect is that they need to collect 128 co-owneres' signatures for their agreements. Wang Rui and Tien-Tsai decide to divide and conquer. Will they get the agreements successfully? Or will they change their minds after spending time with the hospitable people in the beautiful south of Taiwan?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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