The Biggest Little Ticket_peliplat
The Biggest Little Ticket_peliplat

The Biggest Little Ticket (1994)

None | English | 60 min
Directed by: Robert Lang

Young Glenda (Asia Viera) finally gets what she's always wanted for her birthday: a shiny new bicycle. Problem is, she doesn't know how to ride it. As she sits sobbing under a tree, a Troll (Sheila McCarthy) appears with a magic ticket to a concert in an enchanted theatre - a musical celebration of the 900th birthday of a Dragon. When she arrives at the theatre, Glenda discovers hundreds of children, already enjoying the musical show. But when it's time for the grand finale - the birthday Dragon goes missing. Glenda and the Troll search everywhere and eventually find him hiding in the theatre's cold, dark basement. The Dragon has a secret shame: he can't breath fire like a dragon should. Through Glenda's courage and the efforts of all the Biggest Little Ticket stars, the Dragon finds the confidence to breathe fire. The whole experience gives Glenda confidence too - just what she needs to master riding her new bike. Biggest Little Ticket is a musical fantasy of courage and magical discovery for the entire family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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