U311 Cherkasy_peliplat
U311 Cherkasy_peliplat
Play trailer

U311 Cherkasy (2019)

16 (DE) | Ukraine | Ukrainian, Russian | 102 min
Directed by: Tymur Yashchenko

Plot 1. Myshko and Lev are fellow villagers. Due to different reasons, they are aboard a Ukrainian Navy ship U311 "Cherkasy" stationed at the port of the Donuzlav Lake in the Crimea. While the crew of the minesweeper "Cherkasy" conducting military training and naval exercises, the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych flees the country and the Crimea is occupied by the "little green men". The ship is returning to its base but the port is already lost. "Cherkasy" and several Ukrainian ships are blocked in the Donuzlav Lake by Russian army. Ukrainian ships surrender in single file and only the "Cherkasy" crew resists and keeps fighting a brave yet desperate struggle against the enemy. Plot 2. February 2014. The occupation of the Crimean Peninsula begins. U311" Cherkasy" minesweeper, along with other Ukrainian ships, is blocked in Lake Donuzlav - the path to the sea is closed by the flooded vessels of the Russian fleet. It is a trap. Ukrainians Navy ships begin to surrender to the Russians. It seems that there is simply no other way. The movie is based on real events. The story of the last Ukrainian ship in Crimea, which resisted and continued the courageous fight.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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