Homely: What Men Want_peliplat
Homely: What Men Want_peliplat

Homely: What Men Want (2018)

None | Nigeria | English | 98 min
Directed by: Akin' Harrison

A film adaptation (of a comedy stage play) about a homely wife - Keji who finds companion in a feminist TV/Radio Host, and Kunle - her husband with roving eyes. Another wife arrives - Suzy, and she is everything Keji wants to be, young and sexy, plus she is a social media Queen. Keji tries to keep up with Suzy and her antics, while Suzy wants to get rid of Keji from the house. Things take a turn when Suzy gets wind that their husband is seeing another woman - Mama Oshogbe who is so much older than Kunle.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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