From Long Beach with Love_peliplat
From Long Beach with Love_peliplat

From Long Beach with Love (2018)

None | USA | English | 32 min
Directed by: Christian Lesperance

The moving story of how a group of Hurricane Sandy survivors in Long Beach, NY came to aid their fellow Americans in Texas in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Originally conceived as a small donation drive by the husband/wife team of Tim and Christina Kramer, their idea blossomed into a massive relief effort by the citizens of Long Beach and surrounding areas. In the end, five large truckloads of donated supplies were driven down to victims of Harvey in Texas and over $40,000 in gift cards were collected, which the Kramers and their Waves of Hope team personally handed out to victims of the storm who needed it the most. Join them on their journey as they bring joy to others in need on the crest of their wave of hope.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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