New World Old_peliplat
New World Old_peliplat

New World Old (2018)

None | Canada | English | 10 min
Directed by: Miles S Crossman

New World Old follows the interpersonal relationship between father and daughter (Ivan & Anna) as they adjust to the changes of life. Anna has begun dating J.K., a young man from Nigeria, Ivan deeply rooted in a traditional way of life and perspective is appalled by the notion of an interracial relationship for his daughter. Ivan persuades Dmitry, a young mechanic he works with, to go out with Anna on a date so that she can be with someone of a similar background. At a party, Dmitry and J.K. meet, and Dmitry begins to see what Anna sees in J.K., but how will he tell that to her father?. After Ivan confronts Dmitry and realizes his plan to upset her relationship with J.K. has failed he tracks her down at J.K.'s house to confront the situation head-on. After a blow out conversation with Anna, he realizes the error of his ways. New World-Old is a story about cultural adoption, self-identity and coming of age in a multicultural world.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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