Green Inferno_peliplat
Green Inferno_peliplat

Green Inferno (1973)

Not Rated (US) | Spain | Spanish | 85 min
Directed by: Miguel Iglesias

To thwart the sinister plans of dangerous arms traffickers, who intend to arm the natives and stir up revolt, a London-based spy disguised as a missionary arrives in Africa, along with a team of undercover agents, all experts in either judo, karate, shooting or swimming. There, the international secret agents team up with Tarzan, the magnificent lord of the jungle, to defeat the criminal gang led by Franz Von Herlan: a vicious SS commander who knows the exact location of Rommel's hidden treasure. Can fearless Tarzan solve the mystery of the jungle?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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