
Daniel (1971)

None | Netherlands | Dutch | 84 min
Directed by: Erik Terpstra

After a one-year trip around the world, Twenty-year-old Daniel comes home to his extremely boring parents, who go along with their time in their own way. In their trendy clothes they make sexual freedom a mockery. This makes Daniel so in the wrong way that he flees again, to the 'peaceful, unspoiled countryside'. There is also a disillusionment there. Frustrations and sexual obsessions turn out to be as intense as in the big city. Even the strong, narrow-minded head of a peasant family is powerless against such problems. When Daniel's parents turn up to take him home, a scuffle arises that brings both parties closer together. Still, the boy succeeds in removing himself from all exaggerated sexual acts. If only he was a tree, he thinks. And then he becomes one.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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