
Caine (1969)

PG (US) | Mexico, USA | English, Arabic | 92 min
Directed by: Samuel Fuller, Rafael Portillo

Caine is an American gun-runner who has just arrived in a Sudanese Red Sea coastal town within an inch of his life having lost his latest shipment. Despite their initial antagonistic encounters, he ends up befriending two of the more colorful local characters, Doc, a fellow American who is indeed a physician albeit a drunkard, and a young street urchin he nicknames Runt. He also catches the attention of Inspector Barok who suspects him of being trouble. Needing money, Caine, learning about it from Doc, decides to do whatever he needs to to become the third in a crew aboard a ship doing scientific research under Professor Dan Mallare and his voluptuous daughter Anna. He wanting this job is despite the rumors circulating around town that the ship is jinxed in Pedro, their last diver, being killed on the job in a shark attack. Conversely, Anna, who doesn't know Caine's need for the job, decides to do whatever required for him to work for them in they looking for someone "disposable" after the work has concluded in their work not being quite what it appears on the surface.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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