Fleeting Loves_peliplat
Fleeting Loves_peliplat

Fleeting Loves (1974)

None | Romania | Romanian | 106 min
Directed by: Malvina Ursianu

The emotional core of the movie is a heavy state that constantly weighs on the main characters; a state stemming from a deep sense of abandonment. The movie's running time is long, charged with a deadly poetry. But who among those who have experienced, at least transiently, the feeling of abandonment and helplessness, would not say that it comes with a feeling of enormous time dilation, a slow and unstoppable process, like the hardening of a concrete formwork? SYNOPSIS: A Romanian architect, settled abroad, is reunited with his native places, with the people he knew, with the women he loved, with the echoes of what happened elsewhere, with "the great transformations taking place in the capital, on the building sites and in the villages of Romania" Condemned by an incurable illness, but also overwhelmed by these realities and an irrepressible longing for his homeland, the hero decides to return home for good.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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