I doyde denyat_peliplat
I doyde denyat_peliplat

I doyde denyat (1973)

None | Bulgaria | Bulgarian | 86 min
Directed by: Georgi Djulgerov

The action takes place during one day - 9.09.1944. This is the day when Bulgaria leaves the Axis coalition and joins Allies. The supporters of Germany are still fighting back. The partisan detachments are coming soon from the mountains. The film's young protagonist Mustafa is one of them. He will have to answer for himself important moral questions which the revolution asks of every man. He should decide for himself where exactly the boundary between justified and unjustified violence lies. This is the longest day in Mustafa's life - the day of his coming of age. On this day he experiences his first doubt. Mustafa remembers a night when they had orders to kill a political instigator but his friend Matey killed his child by mistake. Matey receives a light sentence but his guilty conscience makes him commit suicide. Another young boy joins the troupe and receives his name. He acts without questioning orders and without displaying doubt. One of his tasks is to carry out the execution of a group of arrested men after the coup. Mustafa is also there. He administers justice and feels himself unjustly punished by the death of his closest friend. On this same day he falls in love with the young partisan fighter Pshenichka and is separated from her because the enemy will shoot and kill him. The ending is a mournfully poetic - a ballad of the dark times the characters have lived.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
East Germany
No data
West Germany
(Frankfurt am Main)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
I doyde denyat
(Original title)
И дойде денят
Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)
Und es kam der Tag
East Germany
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes