This movie is basically soft core porn. There is a lot of female nudity, including full frontal throughout. The film maker didn't shy away from explicit or graphic angles of the various actresses, however, due to the time, most have thick pubic hair which hides most details with a few exceptions. There is also heterosexual and lesbian sex, fingering, cunnilingus, and female masturbation. No male genitalia is ever shown.
The scene with the most graphic nudity occurs when Vanessa reflects back on her time at the Convent. Two females engage in lesbian sex. One female manually stimulates the other and as the camera pans up from the recipient's feet to her groin area, the folds of her labia can be seen beneath her pubic hair. Another girl watches and masturbates. As she move her hand back up from her groin, she exposes her inner labia and clitoral hood. This is clearly shown.
Near the end, a nude female is taking a bath while talking to a man. She stands up and begins stimulating herself with both hands as the continues the conversation. She finally reaches down between her legs, and pulls her pubic hair and skin upwards clearly exposing her outer labia lips which protrude beneath her raised pubic hair.
Child rape since the young girls shown in sexual context are underage, therefore cannot consent to sexual acts, all very disgusting and disturbing.
Sexual scenes of minors !