Two divers are attacked and killed by the shark but very little is actually shown.
The shark kills a water-skier. She is shown thrashing around under water with blood. The shark then attacks a woman on a boat. She accidentally pours petrol everywhere and is blown up. She is killed and the shark has scars and burns on its face. The burnt corpse of the woman is shown later on in the film.
A killer whale is found with a large chunk bitten out of its face.
A diver is scared by the shark and rushes to the surface to fast and suffers an embolism. Blood is shown coming out of his mouth and nose.
A teenage boy is violently eaten by the shark. He is dragged through the water and is smashed into the side of the boat before being pulled under. Blood is shown in the water. A teenage girl who witness' this is in shock.
The shark attacks a group of teens in boats. Many of the boats are damaged and a teenage boy is knocked into the water and is unconscious. He is pulled out right before the shark gets him.
A helicopter is attacked by the shark and is destroyed. It is implied that the pilot is killed. On the DVD deleted scenes, his death is shown with no blood.
A young boy falls into the water and the shark approaches. A teen girl then jumps into the water and saves him. However she cannot get out of the water and is eaten by the shark. No blood is shown, just her disappearing into the sharks mouth.
A girl is injured when the shark scrapes against her. A bloody wound is shown.