A young boy bites his mother's arm. Then he throws some stuff across the room in anger, until the mother stops him with force.
A man hits his son with bare hands multiple times, but all we see is his back during the act.
A man crushes a live snake to death, and uses it to hit his son several times.
A man is chasing his son on foot, and hits him multiple times with a tree branch. In the next scene, the son is seen unconscious, with bruises on his face.
A young boy kicks a sheep several times on its face for defecating into a bucket of milk. Another sheep has its faces shoved into the same bucket of milk for doing the same thing.
A young boy stabs a lamb through the throat. The dead lamb is later seen, with blood around the stab wound.
A man uses a club to beat a sheep to death. He is about to kill a second sheep when a younger man who holds that sheep distracts him. The younger man is then beaten to death immediately.
There are two separate scenes in which a young man is slapped in the face by his father.
A man attempts to attack his son with his club, but both of them end up fighting each other until a woman comes into the room. The son slaps his father, and they start fighting again.