A woman warns a man to get back in the boat as a shark is swim closer and closer to him.
An orca swims by and bites into the shark, throwing him into the air as he bleeds to death. Blood clouds the water.
A man attempts at shooting an arrow into a male orca, but accidentally shoots a female beside him. A small chunk of tissue is ripped off the orca's dorsal fin, bleeding. The female screams in pain with the arrow in her side. She purposely tries to kill herself by swimming against moving boat propellers. A lot of blood clouds the water as a result. People pull the female orca up onto the boat with ropes. She hangs down head first, bleeding profusely. Then, she miscarries an unborn calf.
As the dead female orca is dropped from the boat, her mate pushes her, blood is still leaking from her mouth.
A village is shown on fire.
An orca bites a woman's leg off.
The orca jumps up and pulls men off a boat. He rips them apart underwater. A lot of blood is shown, but no tissue damage appears.