A Pogány Madonna_peliplat
A Pogány Madonna_peliplat

A Pogány Madonna (1981)

KN (HU) | Hungary | Hungarian | 98 min
Directed by: Gyula Mészáros, István Bujtor

This funny crime/comedy was the beginning of the Csopi and Kardos films (starring Istvan Bujtor and Andras Kern). Takes place at Balaton, where a monastery - possibly the one in Tihany - been robbed, and their precious treasure, the Pagan Madonna gone missing. Doc Kardos is in charge as the local inspector, but it gets clear shortly he need some help of the more experienced Csopi. They tie up to resolve the mystery, but it's not a mad chase, always have time for sailing or drinking as well.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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