A nude woman is lost in the woods. Only her breasts and butt are clearly shown, but there's a distant full frontal shot.
A man and woman have sex in a scene that lasts for 4 or 5 minutes. Her breasts and buttocks and his buttocks are visible.
A woman kills herself while she is undressed. Her naked corpse is shown 2 or 3 times.
One woman attempts to seduce another woman -- not erotically, more out of hopelessness and loneliness.
A man rapes a woman. It is not violent, but it is clearly against her will.
A woman seduces a man. There is full frontal nudity of both. Later they engage in sex but she is murdered during the act.
A woman's naked corpse lies in a swimming pool. (Full frontal)
A woman is disrobed prior to being euthanized.