Galaxy of Terror_peliplat
Galaxy of Terror_peliplat
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Galaxy of Terror (1981)

R (US) | USA | English | 81 min
Directed by: Bruce D. Clark

When spaceship Remus crash-lands on planet Morganthus, the Planet Master of Xerces sends the spacecraft Quest to rescue them, but it crash-lands, too. Baelon leads the away team, comprising himself, his rival Cabren, psi-sensitive Alluma, medic Dameia, martial arts fighter Quuhod and jittery rookie Cos. Finding only brutally murdered bodies aboard the Remus, Quest personal start getting brutally slaughtered, one-by-one, themselves. With their ship still damaged, the team investigates a nearby, lifeless alien pyramid, not realizing its using their own personal fears to hunt them down and kill them.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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