
Lava (1985)

TV-PG (US) | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Ravindra Peepat

Amar lives a poor lifestyle with his widowed mom in India, he is unemployed, does not make enough effort to find a job, and spends most of his time with his sweetheart, Rinku Dayal. When his mom finds out that he has been writing love letters, she asks him to introduce his girlfriend, which he does. She approves of Rinku and would like both of them to get married, she also warns Rinku that Amar is fated to die under water and must keep away from all lakes, rivers, and swimming pools at all costs, as he cannot swim. Then a few days later, Amar accidentally falls down in a river, is swept through a waterfall and is believed to be dead. His shocked and devastated mom loses her sanity, and keeps on hoping that Amar will return one day. Then six months later, Amar does return home to his overjoyed mom, and is anxious to go to Rinku and tell her the good news. It is then his mom informs him that Rinku has married Ajit Verma, her dad's boss, shortly after she found out that Amar had drowned. A shocked Amar must now find out why his sweetheart chose to marry a wealthy man, and it is here he will find out that his falling in the river was not an accident but he was the victim of a conspiracy against him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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