Countess Zanda (France Zobda) is receiving a professional massage, nude, face down on a massage table. She is draped with a towel, but it only covers her from the knees down. We see her buttocks clearly several times in the scene. At one point, she raises herself up a bit and we see her bared breasts, but no areolae or nipples. A man enters the room and gives the masseuse cause to leave, then he takes up the massage duty himself in a more intimate fashion. Semi-bare woman throughout the film. Multiple female full nudity but no vulva are clearly seen. Many bare breasts. Deep cleavage.
Two bathing scenes, one in a waterfall and the other in a lake, where Sheena (Tanya Roberts) is naked, showing her breasts and buttocks. The second one lasts over a minute.
This is the most nudity you will see in a PG rated movie, by today's standards this would get an R rating.
Young Sheena (11 years old) is topless. This scene maybe inappropriate in today's standards.
There are two scenes of traditional African group dancing, and in both, about half of the participants are topless, both men and women. This is culturally normal for the area.