Two police in a helicopter gets exploded by the punks they are shown on fire. In Mark Buntzman's original directors cut a following scene showing how it crashes down into the bar, killing and wounding a lot of patrons was shown, but for whatever reasons it was removed. In the trailer you can see some seconds of this scene.
an man gets beaten to death then his body is ran over
A cash transport vehicle employee gets electrocuted as he is dropped on an rail in a dark tunnel. Then the subway arrives and runs him over, but you only see the train running. In this scene, the main villain X shows his crew what a leader he consider himself to be. He shows how powerful he believes he is.
The punks kidnapp a teenage girl to test a heroin sample on her, making her pass out and possibly kill her.
2 drug dealers get exploded
a punks neck gets broken
A 10 year old can probably watch it.
The Exterminator frequently burns criminals with his flamethrower. These scenes are a little brutal.
At at the start of the movie, an old man and woman are shot by Spider and Max when they rob a liqour store. Very disturbing scene.
Quite a lot of shootings that involve bloody bullet wounds. The film does not feature any blood splatter though.
X's gang breaks Caroline's legs in slowmotion in a short but disturbing scene when she tries to escape. One of them literally almost flies through the air with a baseball bat, capping her legs. Apart from this scene, and the opening liquor store robbery scene, the violence in this movie is really nothing special at all.