The Family Game_peliplat
The Family Game_peliplat
Play trailer

The Family Game (1983)

M (AU) | Japan | Japanese | 107 min
Directed by: Yoshimitsu Morita

A sendup of the stereo-typical Japanese family: dad is a salaryman jerk, unable to relate to anyone; mom is a hopeless housewife; the older son is a moderate academic success; but the younger son is a rebellious goof-off for whom a tutor must be hired. The tutor, played by the prototypical bad-boy actor Matsuda Yusaku, proceeds to blow the entire family apart (Matsuda's role is modeled on the myth of Susano-o no mikoto, the renegade deity who figures in the Kojiki).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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