Kirby the vacuum has a seizure when he sees a waterfall. His eyes turn red and bulge out and he starts chewing his own cord. The other characters snap him out of it.
The entire movie is rather dark and eerie.
An air conditioner has an emotional meltdown and catches fire before exploding. The air conditioner looks as though he was dead. This is a bit of an unsettling scene.
The air conditioner in the beginning of the movie is very mean/twisted towards the main characters.
The movie is sad and dark in a way to some people.
Mild/Severe for neurodivergent viewers.
The movie is a bit scary, but on the bright side there is some musical numbers.
The AC has a severe tantrum in one scene. The main character looks horrified himself when he has exploded.
The lamp turns on the light in a hollow tree, revealing it to resemble the face and mouth of a monster, subsequently scaring the main characters and himself.
Toaster has a nightmare in which the following things occur: a puff of smoke morphs into a giant hand which grabs his young owner and drags him out a door. An evil firefighter clown with a menacing smile tells the toaster "Run!" in an eerie voice, then shoots water out of his hose that morphs into giant forks which the toaster narrowly avoids. Finally, the toaster is dropped into a bathtub while the clown laughs manaically. This scene could be frightening for younger viewers.
Toaster at one points comes across a flower who mistakes its reflection for another flower, after Toaster corrects it it is seen dying of a broken heart and wilting.
Blankie gets blown into a tree. The other characters panic and try to save him.
The characters fall off a cliff into a river and struggle against the current, but are gradually rescued by Kirby.
A giant trash magnet chases the main characters around a junkyard.
The song "It's a B-movie" parodies horror films and explains how Elmo St. Peter's has mangled various objects.
The song "Worthless" is the film's darkest song. The crusher in the junkyard crushes several cars and turns them into small cubes while they sing about their pasts.