Baby Bullets Pre-movie: implied sex between two babies. crib with clothes thrown around and baby enjoyment sounds
Baby Bullets Pre-movie: photograph of a woman's breasts hanging on a wall during a scene.
Gena's Story Pre-movie: a woman dances around in a t-shirt and panties
Gena's Story Pre-movie: a woman stands wearing a man's shirt and no apparent bottoms, but the shirt hangs below her pubic area.
Gena's Story Pre-movie: a man and woman are intimate. close up shots of them touching each other. no specific nudity. sexual sounds & moaning.
A man opens his trench coat to expose himself. He is behind a display of cans which hide his pubic area.
A teenage girl wears a very short nightgown.
A woman stands on the side of the road topless waving at people passing by.
While driving, a man slams on the brakes so he can put his arm across his wife in the passenger seat in protection and grab her breast.
Some lewd sexual dialogue/jokes
A teenage girl wears skimpy outfits throughout the movie. At one point the camera zooms in on her breasts/cleavage.
Stop motion animation of a male hotdog thrusting into a female hotdog from behind.
implied that a bear and teenage girl have sex
Nudity at 20:17.