A woman is seen an alley with a bloody cut on her hand. She is attacked offscreen, and we later see a picture of her bloody corpse.
A woman is found dead in her bed, with lots of blood on her body, and graphic stomach and neck wounds visible.
A man attacks another man, who punches him in the face.
Two men fight in a house, and one punches and kicks the other, who grabs a small table and slams it against him. He slams it back into the other man, and kicks him in the groin twice, ending the fight.
A man is seen with a dead woman's blood on his clothes as he is pushed over by a man running away.
A man wraps a woman's bloody hand with a bandage.
The nightmare flashes show a man strangling someone in first person POV.
A man breaks into a woman's place to kill her, but is saved on time by another man and successfully kills him by stabbing him with his weapon. No bloody results is shown, only his face.
R violence type: blood and graphic.
Two men struggle, and one punches the other, who chokes him unconscious, before hanging him with a rope.