A lot of verbal and psychological violence such as threats, implied sleep deprivation, descriptions of violent acts, and cruel mind games.
A woman is manhandled by her interrogator and struggles as a result a few times. One time he pins to her chair to her to check to see if she is menstruating(no nudity).
While a woman is blindfolded an interrogator verbally pretends to be torturing another man(he plays both roles) by sticking a hot poker rectally into the man, pulling out his nails(described quite graphically), and beating him(he is actually striking floors, walls, and objects with a truncheon) to terrify the woman into complying with his demands.
A woman kicks a man in the crotch hard temporarily incapacitating him.
A woman is forcibly handcuffed and forcibly blindfolded several times and once she is given an injection of sedatives.
A woman is tricked into drinking urine from a bottle.
A man is seen heating up a hot poker. The scene goes dark and the woman screams implying that the hot poker was inserted rectally.
We see a woman on a table with electrodes going up her hospital gown(implying that the electrodes are in her vagina). She is asked a few questions and is shocked a few times. The scene is disturbing.
We see the image of a gun put to a woman's head briefly and in a dark scene.
A man pulls out some pliers that seem to have a spot of blood on them and acts as though his is going to pull a woman's toenails out. He doesn't go through with it.
A man vomits briefly but we don't see the actual vomit.
A woman is struck several times(once heard more than seen and once briefly and subtlely with a truncheon). One time is with both of a man's hands which results in ringing in her ears and another time is with a fist while she is drinking water(we hear the glass breaking) which knocks her out cold.
When a woman believes that a man is about to put a lit cigarette out in her eye, she puts her hand up and is burned on the palm as a result(happens quickly and we don't see the burn).