Drömspår - En film om längtan_peliplat
Drömspår - En film om längtan_peliplat

Drömspår - En film om längtan (1991)

Btl (SE) | Sweden | 45 min
Directed by: Gunila Ambjörnsson

About our dreams when we are awake, the small ones as well as the more grand ones, about the unattainable we think we can not get, or about what we may be able to get but do nothing about, about the secret longing as a driving force for most things in life. What do we dream about, today, when times are tough but modern, in the time of the hangover, while the forests are dying and the future may not exist? And what happens to the humanity that does not dream?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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