A group of imprisoned people are seemingly tortured behind closed doors. They can be heard screaming though nothing is directly seen.
A man is shown strapped to a device. He has been lobotomized. The camera briefly shows the top of his skull with his exposed brains visible.
A disfigured, lobotomized man murders a man. The lobotomized man's face has facial scars and the top of his head shows a carving scar where he was lobotomized.
A group of dead bodies are shown.
A man is stabbed to death.
A photo of lobotomized brains is shown super-imposed onto a screen.
A lobotomized man grabs a man from behind and squeezes tight. The man is shown screaming.
A man is hit by scaffolding and falls through a glass screen.
A man is tied to an elevating piece of wire as is lifts upward. He is seen despondent.
A woman has liquids injected into her body causing violent reactions.
On two occasions, dead bodies are shown lying on a slab.