Iron & Silk_peliplat
Iron & Silk_peliplat
Play trailer

Iron & Silk (1990)

PG (US) | Japan, USA | English | 92 min
Directed by: Shirley Sun

Mark Salzman always was interested in Kung-Fu and the Chinese culture, claims to have seen every Kung-Fu movie. 1982, with a degree in Chinese literature, he visits a province university in China for two years to teach Chinese teachers the English language. He learns the refinements of correct behavior among Chinese people, makes friends with his pupils, falls in love with the young doctor Ming, learns Wushu (similar Kung-Fu) from the famous teacher Pan... but also learns about political repression, especially when he's forbidden contact with some of his friends.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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