Hong Kong Police Madame 2_peliplat
Hong Kong Police Madame 2_peliplat
Play trailer

Hong Kong Police Madame 2 (1988)

18 (GB) | Hong Kong | Cantonese, Mandarin | 90 min
Directed by: Teresa Woo

After some daring work at home, Alex, Elaine, and Moon head for Kuala Lampur to vacation. There, Alex meets up with his two best friends from school, Peter and Marco, so these "three musketeers" can party together. Elaine starts to fall in love with Peter, and he with her. But both Peter and Marco have secrets: Peter is the head of a rebel sect intent on overthrowing the government and ridding the country of Western influence. Marco is investigating the rebels, and he's probably reporting to the CIA. When the truth comes out and friends face each other as political opposites, what will they choose to do? Will friendship overcome ideology?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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