Land of Dreams_peliplat
Land of Dreams_peliplat
Play trailer

Land of Dreams (1993)

None | Egypt | Arabic | 118 min
Directed by: Daoud Abdel Sayed

Nargis is a mother who just got an opportunity to travel to America within 24 hours. Her son and daughter persuaded her and motivated her to immigrate to the Land of dream (America). Tonight is New Year's Eve and Nargis lost her passport and ticket. As she was looking for her passport everywhere, she meets Raouf who works a Magician that entertain many tricks with Nargis. After a long night between Nargis and Raouf, she finds out that the Land of Dreams is the Land where you can find them and they become true. She decided to stay in Egypt and did not travel.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!