Two men are executed by being tied to a stake and strangled with a garrote. We hear the neck of one of them cracking.
The movie has scenes of bloody violence with some gory injury detail. It is on the higher end of the PG-13 rating.
Some violent battle sequences towards the end.
Level of violence: 9/10. Very violent and gory.
Brutal violence.
The opening credits are over etchings of natives being massacred, tinted red.
We see a woman get strangled while tied to a stake. She involuntarily sticks her tongue out and drools, making a disturbing facial expression. A few other people get strangled and then burned; we hear them choking and sobbing.
The men on the ships are sunburned and their skin is blistered and peeling.
A man is bitten on the neck by a snake, and he dies from the venom. Foam comes out of his mouth.
39 people are murdered offscreen. We later see their charred skulls on the ground.
Some scenes of animal hunting.
A man's hand is cut off. Quickly edited, but graphic.
Corpses are shown hanging from a distance. Some of them have missing legs.
A few scenes of sword-fighting with no blood.
A man is impaled through the chest with an arrow. Blood smears the camera lens.
During a battle scene, several men are stabbed with spears. Very quickly edited and not graphic.
A man stabs another man to death with a dagger. Both of them get covered in blood.
A man is impaled by two arrows, one through the stomach and another through the neck. Blood comes out of both wounds and his mouth. He is then shot in the head with bullets (blood flies out in slow motion), and he dies.
A man is stabbed in the chest with a spear. We see a graphic close-up of the spear coming out of his back.
A man is slashed with a sword, and we briefly see his guts (it's unclear where on his body exactly).
A man commits suicide by jumping off a cliff. Afterwards, we see his corpse, with a bone sticking out of his leg.
After a tropical storm, we see a number of dead bodies, both human and animal.