Strong bloody action violence throughout, including martial arts violence, shootouts, and a sword battle.
Strong violence.
We see two martial artists fighting. A policeman then interrupts the illegal fight and knocks them out and a gun battle breaks out, where several people are shot to death with bloody results (both Yakuzas and civilians)
A Yakuza-member threatens a woman with a butterfly-knife
A man fights with several Yakuzas and has the upper hand when a policeman shows up and the man then fights the police-officer before they both have to take cover from gunfire from the Yakuzas
In a flashback we see Kenners parents being murdered (with bloody results) Kenner (as a boy) then chops the assassin in the face (with very bloody results) and he escapes (this flashback is shown a couple of times)
A man is crushed in a car-crusher (offscreen) His screams are very disturbing.
Kenner violently grabs a suspect
A suspect breaks his own neck
A man decapitates a woman. Very disturbing.
Later, we see her severed head. Startling and gruesome.
Kenner knocks a doorman out. In the club, they're approached by several thugs and a big fight breaks out, but our heroes are overwhelmed
Kenner quickly disarms a Yakuza-member and points it to Yoshidas head (but he doesn't shoot)
Johnny shoves Kenner
Yoshida chops the arm off of a biker (with graphic results)
It is implied that a woman is raped
To free Minako, Kenner breaks into Yoshidas house and stabs and shoots many of Yoshidas men dead (with bloody results)
Yoshidas head of security chops off a finger as an apology to Yoshida. Yoshida, however stabs him to death
Kenner hits a receptionist at a bathhouse
Kenner and Johnny are suddenly attacked from behind and Yoshida kicks and hits Kenner several times. Kenner then fights a big sumo-like man on the ground and under-water where Kenner stabs the man, this doesn't kill the man and Kenner chokes him buy putting a water-hose in the mans mouth.
Johnny fights and shoots several Yakuzas at the bathhouse
The Yakuzas attack Kenners house and many of them are killed by Kenner and Johnny (shooting arrows, shooting, stabbing, all with bloody results) but has to surrender when the Yakuzas get to Minako
Kenner and Johnny are electrocuted several times, but Kenner breaks loose and kills the man responsible. Kenner and Johnny then are trapped inside Kenners car, which ends up being crushed in a car-crusher but Kenner and Johnny gets out alive
Johnny and Kenner then launches an assault on Yoshidas HQ and many, many, many Yakuzas are shot dead with bloody results. Johnny also has a brief fight with Yoshidas right-hand man before Johnny kicks him into a vat of flamable liquids and sets it on fire
Yoshida shoots Kenner in the chest and, for some reason doesn't kill him, but decides to engage in a swordfight with Kenner. Yoshida briefly has the upper hand and hits and kicks the floored Kenner, but Kenner fnishes Yoshida off by stabbing him and nailing him to a rotating wheel which then explodes and presumably kills Yoshida