Ji mo fang xin ju le bu_peliplat
Ji mo fang xin ju le bu_peliplat

Ji mo fang xin ju le bu (1995)

None | Taiwan | 110 min
Directed by: Chih-yen Yee

A group of aimless Taipei residents deal with their personal problems in this Taiwanese drama that does feature brief flashes of black humor. Much of the story centers upon lonely Mrs. Chen who has trouble coping with her philandering husband, and nearly senile mother-in-law. Her daughter frequently sulks and has a desperate crush on one of her teachers. Mrs. Chen's only friend is her co-worker Liu, who has fallen for a new office boy, Chou. Mrs. Chen also finds him attractive. Unfortunately for either woman, Chou is gay and plagued with problems of his own.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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