a kidnapped woman is held down on a bed. her shirt is ripped open (bra remains intact) and she is licked on the upper chest & neck while screaming. scene ends.
a man begrudgingly lets a woman enter his appartment. she immediately takes off her dress. her bare breasts are shown for a few seconds. she comes on to the man, but he spurns her. he asks her to leave, and one of her breasts is shown again as she puts her dress back on.
A man enters a bedroom with two women. He is completely naked as seen from behind. One of the women faces the camera, removes her dress to reveal her bare breasts, wearing only a thong. The other woman lies on the bed, and the man begins to undress her. Both women then rise from the bed, their breasts fully exposed. They proceed to remove their thongs, becoming entirely nude; however, their pubic areas remain obscured. The man lies on the bed, his leg strategically covering his own pubic region. One woman climbs atop him, engaging in sexual intercourse, while the other woman first leans over to kiss him before moving behind the first woman to caress her breasts. As they seem on the verge of kissing each other, the scene cuts away. This sequence is interspersed with shots of another character stealthily moving and hiding elsewhere in the setting.
a man enters a woman's apartment. they lie down on the bed and start kissing. magically their close are off and they are naked having sex. you can see the upper part of the woman's breasts as the man thrusts on top of her. they talk afterward and she has the sheet covering her most of the time, but she keeps adjusting her position which reveals her breasts a few times.
during a violent scene a woman is forced into a chair. one side of her shirt is hanging off revealing her bra. she is later shown hanging from a rafter by her hands with her bra revealed.