A woman (fully clothed) dances at a party. The Mask is obviously infatuated.
Two men gawk at a woman.
A man and a woman passionately kiss at the end.
The Mask makes lewd comments to a woman while holding her in his hands. He is then kneed in the groin.
In a scene, The Mask is making balloon animals, after making the first balloon animal he pulls out a condom and says "Sorry wrong pocket"
The mask dances in front of police to avoid being arrested and two women try to grab his backside.
Tina's black and red dress at the end of movie is see through, you can actually see her bra through her dress during a couple very brief shots
As Tina is leaving the police station, she is seen wearing a skirt and crop top. The wind is blowing, and you can very briefly see that she is wearing a black bra under her top.
When the Mask is dancing with Tina, there are few times were her underwear is shown, the most visible shot is when he is spinning her over his head.
When Tina Enters The Bank and is trying to reorganized herself from the Rain Storm is very Sexualized. At The Beginning of the Film.
In The Opening Bank Scene Tina is Wear a Tight Red Dress Showing Off her Cleavage in certain Shoots, in addition to the Size of her Busts/Breasts.
During the scene at the park, the Mask flirts with Tina by making sexual references towards her by saying "I will reveal my croissant.", "I will spread your pate.", and "I will dip my ladle in your vichyssoise."
A picture of a woman in lingerie is shown.
A man kisses a woman without her consent. Her initial reaction is shocked/confused, but then she smiles a bit, suggesting that she may have enjoyed it.
Brief view of wet condom.
At one point, you can hear the villain mutter that he has a "woody" which is a euphemism for an erection.