There's a large shootout in an apartment building between cops and police, and many men are shot (some blood seen). The criminals run to the roof and throw explosives at the cops, and one of the rooftops explodes, bringing down a large sign. A cop chases the criminals into a theatre and fights them in the rafters, and several men fall and hit the ground hard. One man smashes a glass against another's head and he falls into some lighting and hits the ground, dying.
A man fights another man in an airport and beats him up.
A man smashes a bottle over another man's head and kicks him. His head is seen bloodied with some shards of glass sticking into his forehead.
A man knocks another man down a shaft inside a large boat, and the man falls through many pipes and objects, and lands hard (blood comes from his mouth and head).
A man shoots himself in the leg (not bloody or graphic, wound not shown).
Level of violence: 6/10. Amount of blood.
There's a shootout in a street between a cop and several gunmen. Lots of gunfire is seen, and several cars crash into each other. A man is hit by a car, and some blood is seen on his face. Another car with attackers inside crashes, and the cop shoots the men inside (one is seen with a bloody face).
There's a car chase, and several cars are sideswiped, and others ram into each other. One car violently crashes, but the driver survives. He continues to pursue the men he's chasing in his car, and his eye is seen bruised and bloodied. A traffic cop is hit head-on and killed (violent), and another is pushed off his bike and thrown to the ground (blood pours from his head; no wound seen).