Russkiy regtaym_peliplat
Russkiy regtaym_peliplat

Russkiy regtaym (1993)

0+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 95 min
Directed by: Sergey Ursulyak, Bella Dunayeva

The movie is based on real events. 1974 year. The year of Solzhenitsyn's deportation. The main character - Misha did not know the word "dissident", but always dreamed of America. He did not dream out of protest against the Soviet way of life. He just loved America with some strange memory of an unhappy life and least of all thought about meeting with people from the KGB. But one day, Misha and his friends decide to break the red flag. Now you can forget about abroad forever .

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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